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Writer's pictureScourge Incarcerated

The Most Violent Place on Earth

I know what you're thinking: prison violent? Get right outta town! I know it seems like I've donned the mantle of Captain Obvious here, but my point isn't only to remind everyone that these places are like living in a tribe of orcs. I'm saying that after 13 years in some of the most violent institutions in various federal and state systems, AZDOC is the most violent: so much so that it’s shocking even to my desensitized mind. I'll explain.

The Norm

A fight every week is pretty standard when you cram hundreds of strangers together with scarce resources and nothing to do. This is about as "normal" as it gets. Remember also that I hardly have eyes on every cellblock and that these 'one-a-week’ are only observances in the fraction of the population I'm actually exposed to. There are about 1200 people on any given yard and a unit is maybe 100-200 of them, tops. I'm not trying to give real statistics, as I'm not privy to all the information. I'm only trying to impress upon you one man's experience and not only the shock of being so near SO much violence, but also the shock of being able to BE shocked at it. it’s like a butcher saying, "you know, there is too much blood in this slaughterhouse." I know there are some that believe we are meant to be punished in here and that constant fear and violence is part of that punishment. That's a whole other entry to explain why society doesn't want people like that getting released by the thousands every day. The environments that cause the behavior in here are well studied and easy enough to prevent, but in this country(and particularly this state) where vengeance and emotional insecurities rule policies on how to deal with lawbreakers, any data gathered or observable reality in places that rehabilitate their prisoners instead of dehumanize them... just fall on deaf ears.

How much violence are we talking here?

in my first week at this institution (a medium security full of very low-level drug dealers and guys who stole a car), there were several fights and full-on beatings along with 2 staff assaults. This pattern has more or less repeated and seems to be worsening as the heat climbs: another simple to observe environmental factor that increases aggression. just sitting in the chow hall, a quick glance around the hundred or so people will show several wearing sunglasses inside. they're not (all) giant douchebags who think they're so cool and their future isn't so bright they've got to wear shades, they're hiding black eyes. this is a hint of all the instances I miss just being in my one little corner of the prison. I will say that fights with weapons seem rare enough in here. many yards I've been to have what is known as a "hands-off policy", meaning its knives or nothing. this is a response to staffs constant and ONLY response to fights: the lockdown. so, the powers that be on this side of the fence enforce the hands-off in an effort to keep fights over petty issues down and only allow " real" issues to be handled the old fashioned(orc) way. in practice, this actually means lots of anger and resentment built up over petty issues and plenty of regular fights that get punished by inmate gang leaders ON TOP of lots of stabbings and of course, more lock downs. so, you see, the system's inept attempts to control the population actually make it much worse.

Why all the Violence?

There is no simple answer here. That is, no ONE simple answer. The list of easily preventable causes are things like

  • Over-crowding - despite the standard (archaic) view of prison, people are not meant to be stacked 2-3 high in a cage the size of your guest bathroom for hours, days, or weeks. This is known to increase aggression among EVERYONE, not just those "bad inmates".

  • Outside contact heavily discouraged- family letters and pictures are photo copied when not "lost", books can be sent from only a handful of the most expensive vendors, approval for a call takes MONTHS, etc.

  • A steady flow of over-priced drugs - the prevalence would shame even the most active street corner in the ghetto, but the prices here encourage deep debt and even a kind of belittling indentured servitude. n.b. give me 5 min and I could come up with a plan to stop ALL drugs from coming in. it’s much easier than these people let on.

  • Disrespectful staff who escalate issues - there is no training for de-escalation, minimal interpersonal communication training, and LOTS of training for combat, firearms, and petty rule enforcement. Enforcement of petty rules while ignoring important ones - tuck in your shirt, wear your ID, count the inmates 6 times a day. Yet allow gang leaders access all over the yard and leave obvious drug dealers to their business.

  • Boredom - spend 200$ and get a TV or... not. Institute a 2-week approval process to get into the library to check out 2 books. No sincere programs to help inmates - no "treatment staff member" cares about what they do, and their apathy shows. The standard group therapy session is run by inmates!

Simple Fixes

Treat inmates like human beings in need of help. not bullied and demeaned by staff and society.

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