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Writer's pictureScourge Incarcerated

Haven't Been Outside in Almost 2 Months

This is my excuse for my recent absence. I don’t know how necessary it is to reiterate that, as for the last few hundred times I’ve been locked down and punished, I had nothing to do with this. WE were first locked down in December for a fight in another unit, then a covid outbreak in which EVERYONE was infected because I live in a bathroom with another person, and then a gang murder in another state. After 3 lockdowns in a row of one on top of the other, it amounts to not being able to see the sun but for through a window in... is that 7 weeks?! Almost.

It is "for our safety and security". We’re always told this and unfortunately it’s not uncommon to deprive us of what most people would consider a basic right of human beings, especially in a NON-third-world country where human rights and dignities are generally recognized; unless were talking about prisoners, of course.

Really, 7 weeks isn’t even my record. In 4th Ave jail in Maricopa County, I went 7 months without even seeing the sun, let alone going outside. In that jail, there aren’t even windows in the cells. What sick bastard made that place?! And it’s not some old dungeon from prohibition era, this is a new jail made maybe 20 years ago. You can look it up with internet magic, I’m sure.

They had a "recreation area" just off the cell block that had a vent from the outside, meaning you could smell the outside air and even hear the traffic of the city several stories below. That was our allotted "outside time".

To clarify, a jail is where one goes to fight a case. that is, the place one goes where the country jokingly still calls us "innocent until proven guilty". This treatment along with starvation rations and brutal guards is what our country has deemed just for human beings not yet convicted of a crime.

How many people do you think fight their case and are actually innocent? I’m sure you could look it up. I don’t think it’s right for ANYONE to be treated that way, but statistically it has to be a few thousand people a year just in that jail who are charged with a crime that end up being innocent. That could be you, or anyone you know. Getting charged with a crime is easy.

Voltaire said " It is better to risk saving a guilty man than to condemn an innocent one”. I guess our country throws out the wisdom of sages with a hearty "naaaah! Gotta hurt everyone to make sure no bad guys slip away unpunished."

Anyway, that’s why I’ve been MIA for a month and a half. More rants to follow. Lucky you, my dear reader!

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